Using the power of sound to release blocked energy and restore emotional balance

Sound Therapy

Pause for a moment and listen. Whatever you can hear – a revving car engine, the air conditioning hum, a ringing phone…each sound is at a frequency that impacts on your mind and body and influences how you feel.

Sounds at some frequencies, however, have huge healing powers and encouraging our brain to absorb them can help us feel relaxed, alert, focused, and even help our major organs and tissues to  heal and regenerate.

As well as physical health, we use sound healing to release blocked energy and restore emotional balance. It plays a part in all our sessions and is also available in a dedicated session.

Our sound healing sessions offer a holistic therapy that utilises sound vibrations to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, it has a profound impact on our bodies, minds and energy systems.

Various instruments and techniques are used in sound healing, including:

Singing metal bowls, tuning forks, gongs, clear quartz or crystal bowls, drums, voice and mantras, chanting, toning and vocalisation.

Sound healing is often used to reduce stress, anxiety, and pain,  and can also induce a state of deep relaxation.