Breathing sessions and gentle yoga positions to progress to a place of rest

Restorative Yoga

There should be no guilt attached to needing more rest. It’s a necessity not a luxury.

The hardest part for many of us is learning how to get our active brains and busy bodies to switch off and start relaxing. 

108 Yoga’s restorative breathing sessions bring you to a place of rest using gentle yoga positions and simple breathwork tools that you can use whenever you need to feel a little more balanced, centred and calm.

Incorporating breathing practices into your work/life routines for even a few minutes can have profound effects on your body and mind.

Restorative yoga is a gentle nurturing style of yoga that focuses on relaxation, rejuvenation and deep rest. It involves a series of supported poses, often held for extended periods of time, using props such as bolsters, blankets, and blocks to create a comfortable and restful environment. The primary goal of restorative yoga is reducing stress, calming the nervous system.

It is suitable for all levels of practitioners and is particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries, dealing with chronic stress, or seeking a gentle form of self-care.